COVID-19 Science During its First Year

SARS-CoV-2 Virus

Discover what science uncovered about COVID-19 during the first year of the pandemic

Attacking the Body

Learn what was known about how COVID-19 spread through and attacked the human body

mRNA Vaccine Science

Understand how the Pfizer mRNA vaccine works

Vaccine Development

Discover which directions vaccine development took during the first year of the pandemic

Treatment Research

Learn about COVID-19 treatments that became available

The News Timeline

Explore the News Timeline with key developments from December 31, 2019 until March of 2021

What is Science?

What is scientific truth? How does science progress? How do we evaluate scientific findings? How is science contributing to saving lives?

Easy pages

Learn about science, biology and COVID-19 in simple English


Explore authoritative material on COVID-19 at all levels.

View original home page

My goal

My goal was to make it easier for people around the world to understand the science behind COVID-19 and the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes it. I dedicated the first year of the pandemic to understanding the science behind it as best I could and to teach it on this site.

Remember that scientists have often warned us of inevitable future pandemics, making it even more important to use science to protect us.


I’m not a medical doctor.

This website does not provide medical advice. Its purpose is educational. Do not self-medicate or take any new medication without consulting a qualified healthcare professional. If you need medical advice, please seek guidance from a licensed physician.

Beyond Science: Ethical and Social Considerations

While science provides crucial insights, responding to a pandemic clearly involves ethical and societal decisions that are beyond science. Measures like isolation and social distancing come with challenges and trade-offs.

This site is not here to dictate policies but to explain the science. A well-informed society can make better decisions while balancing public health, individual well-being, and ethical considerations. Understanding what science is, what it does, and what it knows is however essential for navigating these complex issues responsibly.

©2020, 2021 Dr. Michael Herrera