November 2020


Here are selected news stories relative to the Covid-19 pandemic (and directly or indirectly the science behind it) for the month of November 2020, starting with the most recent news. (Let me know if you hit a paywall or if you find scientific misinformation.)

Click on dark blue words or terms to see their meaning in the glossary.

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Back to December 1, 2020

November 30, 2020

STAT: Moderna to submit Covid-19 vaccine to FDA as full results show 94% efficacy

Science: ‘Absolutely remarkable’: No one who got Moderna’s vaccine in trial developed severe COVID-19

MIT Technology Review: While mainland America struggles with covid apps, tiny Guam has made them work

November 29, 2020

Science: Federal system for tracking hospital beds and COVID-19 patients provides questionable data

STAT: How much did Thanksgiving contribute to Covid-19 spread? It’s wait and see for now

November 25, 2020

nature: How Iceland hammered COVID with science

STAT: What the biopharma industry is doing to build confidence in Covid-19 vaccines

Science: After dosing mix-up, latest COVID-19 vaccine success comes with big question mark

SciAm: Pandemic of Hunger

November 24, 2020

nature: The COVID vaccine challenges that lie ahead

SciAm: COVID Models Show How to Avoid Future Lockdowns

November 23, 2020

nature: Why emergency COVID-vaccine approvals pose a dilemma for scientists

nature: Why Oxford’s positive COVID vaccine results are puzzling scientists

  • “Surprisingly, participants who received a lower amount of the vaccine in a first dose and then the full amount in the second dose were 90% less likely to develop COVID, compared with participants in the placebo arm.”

Science: Another COVID-19 vaccine success? Candidate may prevent further coronavirus transmission, too

  • “AstraZeneca/University of Oxford vaccine uses a chimpanzee virus to deliver coronavirus gene and had better efficacy, 90%, when given as a half dose followed by a full dose.”

nature: Coronaviruses closely related to the pandemic virus discovered in Japan and Cambodia

nature: Can dogs smell COVID? Here’s what the science says

  • “Around the world, canines are being trained to detect the whiff of COVID-19 infections. Dog trainers are claiming extraordinary results.”

STAT: ‘Essential workers’ likely to get earlier access to Covid-19 vaccine

STAT: AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine is 70% effective on average, early data show

AstraZeneca logo
November 20, 2020

SciAm: Coronavirus News Roundup, November 14-November 20

STAT: As a new Covid-19 treatment arrives, hospitals scramble to solve logistical and ethical challenges

SciAm: Doing the Touchy Math on Who Should Get a COVID Vaccine First

nature: Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China

  • Around 93% of Wuhan residents were tested for Covid-19 five to eight weeks after the end of the lockdown. Only 300 asymptomatic cases (cases that never ended up being symptomatic) were discovered. Contact tracing provided evidence that such individuals that never end up having symptoms may be less infectious than others who test positive. However, residents there must still wear masks.
November 19, 2020

STAT: Delirium could signal Covid-19 infection in older adults, study finds

STAT: WHO group recommends against using remdesivir to treat hospitalized Covid-19 patients

  • The WHO’s Guideline Development Group bases this recommendation on:
    • Lack of evidence of improving “patient-important outcomes”
      (reducing mortality, ventilation…)
      • This does not imply “proof” of its ineffectiveness.
    • Price, expense of delivering it intravenously, “potential harm”.

STAT: Self-interest nudged me to join Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine trial. Here’s how it’s going

SciAm: Evaluating COVID Risk on Planes, Trains and Automobiles

STAT: ‘People are going to die’: Hospitals in half the states are facing a massive staffing shortage as Covid-19 surges

PopSci: A step-by-step guide to grocery shopping during a pandemic

November 18, 2020

SciAm: Mysteries of COVID Smell Loss Finally Yield Some Answers

nature: What the data say about asymptomatic COVID infections

  • “People without symptoms can pass on the virus, but estimating their contribution to outbreaks is challenging.”

Science: Fever, aches from Pfizer, Moderna jabs aren’t dangerous but may be intense for some

Science: More people are getting COVID-19 twice, suggesting immunity wanes quickly in some

STAT: FDA allows first rapid coronavirus test that gives results at home

CNN: Covid-19 has killed 250,000 people in the US. That’s 10 times the deaths from car crashes in a year

  • In the US, “Covid-19 has killed more people than strokes, suicides and car crashes typically do in a full year — combined”.

Science: As COVID-19 soars in many communities, schools attempt to find ways through the crisis

The Local ch: ‘Practically all full’: Swiss sound alarm as ICU units reach capacity

November 17, 2020

nature: What if tropical diseases had as much attention as COVID?

MPT: Here’s Why COVID-19 Mortality Has Dropped

STAT: Bill Gates worries about a ‘dysfunctional’ approach to Covid-19 vaccine distribution

STAT: ‘They’ve been following the science’: How the Covid-19 pandemic has been curtailed in Cherokee Nation

November 16, 2020

CNN: Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine is 94.5% effective, according to company data

  • Pfizer and Moderna have comparable results because they use the same mRNA technology.
Moderna’s logo

BBC: Moderna: Covid vaccine shows nearly 95% protection

  • 94.5% effectiveness is calculated from the fact that only five of the participants who received the actual vaccine contracted Covid-19 compared to 90 who received the placebo.

nature: COVID vaccine excitement builds as Moderna reports third positive result

STAT: Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine is strongly effective, early look at data show

Science: ‘Just beautiful’: Another COVID-19 vaccine, from newcomer Moderna, succeeds in large-scale trial

SciAm: COVID Vaccine Excitement Builds as Moderna Reports Positive Result

STAT: Hopeful Covid-19 vaccine data won’t help hospitals that are overstretched now, experts say

STAT: With strong data on two Covid-19 vaccines, we have more answers about the road ahead — and questions too

November 13, 2020

nature: COVID mink analysis shows mutations are not dangerous — yet


The Atlantic: ‘No One Is Listening to Us’

  • News from the front lines at Rhode Island Hospital and in hospitals throughout the US.
Rhode Island Hospital

SciAm: For COVID Drugs, Months of Frantic Development Lead to Few Outright Successes

SciAm: Pfizer’s Early Results Bode Well for a COVID Vaccine Approval This Year

nature: Simulating the pandemic: What COVID forecasters can learn from climate models

climate modeling

SciAm: Dating During the Pandemic: Can You Trust an ‘Antibody Positive’ Claim?

November 12, 2020

SciAm: An Emerging Tool for COVID Times: The Portable MRI

portable MRI

STAT: Pill used to treat OCD and anxiety may prevent Covid-19 from worsening, a preliminary study suggests

UBS: Value rotation has further to run

  • UBS Chief Investment Office displays confidence that two vaccines, Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna will soon start being distributed.

SciAm: Divide and Conquer Could Be Good COVID Strategy

  • “COVID might be fought efficiently with fewer shutdowns by restricting activities only in a particular area with a population up to 200,000 when its case rate rises above a chosen threshold.”
November 11, 2020

nature: Why do COVID death rates seem to be falling?

  • “Hard-won experience, changing demographics and reduced strain on hospitals are all possibilities — but no one knows how long the change will last.”

STAT: Developmental disorders top the medical conditions that heighten the risk of dying from Covid-19

  • Reasons why developmental disorders and intellectual disabilities may increase risk:
    • They are often associated with multiple chronic conditions.
    • Individuals are more likely to work in essential services and live in group homes.

Wired: The Strange and Twisted Tale of Hydroxychloroquine

nature: Where did COVID come from? WHO investigation begins but faces challenges

  • “Tracing the virus’s path is important for preventing future viral spillovers, but scientists say the WHO team faces a daunting task.”

SciAm: The Real Danger Posed by Coronavirus-Infected Mink

STAT: A hidden success in the Covid-19 mess: the internet (Opinion)

nature: Russia announces positive COVID-vaccine results from controversial trial

  • The announcement indicates 92% effectiveness in the “Sputnik V” phase 3 trial, but this figure is less reliable than for the Pfizer results, as it is based on only 20 participants contracting Covid-19 vs. 94 in the Pfizer trial. The Russian trial involves 40,000 participants and the Pfizer trial involves just under 44,000 participants.

Science: Russia’s claim of a successful COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t pass the ‘smell test,’ critics say

STAT: ‘We’re being left behind’: Rural hospitals can’t afford ultra-cold freezers to store the leading Covid-19 vaccine

  • Although the CDC has advised hospitals not to rush to buy expensive freezers that allow Pfizer’s vaccine to be stored at -70 degrees Celsius, stating that other vaccines are expected to become available soon that do not require storage at such a low temperature, more than 10% of the hospitals in the US appear to have purchased them.
Ultra low temp freezer

November 10, 2020

NM: Endothelial cells resistant to SARS-CoV-2 infection

STAT: The story of mRNA: How a once-dismissed idea became a leading technology in the Covid vaccine race

STAT: How to spot good Covid-19 vaccine trials results when you see them

STAT: STAT-Harris Poll: Most Americans won’t get a Covid-19 vaccine unless it cuts risk by half

Science: Can a nose-full of chicken antibodies ward off coronavirus infections?

  • “A clinical trial has begun in Australia to find out whether nasal drops that contain chicken antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 can offer temporary protection.”

STAT: Restaurants and gyms were spring ‘superspreader’ sites. Occupancy limits could control Covid, new study predicts

nature: How to stop restaurants from driving COVID infections

  • “The study highlights how real-time big data on population mobility offers the potential to predict transmission dynamics at unprecedented levels of spatial granularity.” – British epidemiologist

SciAm: How to Minimize COVID Risk and Enjoy the Holidays

  • Excellent advice for protection against Covid-19 that is relevant for travelers and family gatherings anywhere in the world.
November 9, 2020

PopSci: Pfizer claims its COVID-19 vaccine is 90 percent effective. Here’s what that actually means.
Posted or updated on November 19, 2020

  • Phase 3 testing of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine candidate, which began in July, involves 44,000 participants, half of which received the vaccine candidate and the other half of which received a placebo. A total of 94 participants have so far tested positive for Covid-19. An independent group of researchers, the only group that knows how the vaccine and placebos were divided up between the participants, determined that the candidate has been at least 90 percent effective since July. However, this has been a relatively short time period to be able to determine long-range effects, and the number of participants who contracted Covid-19 is still too small for conclusive results. Pfizer plans to wait until at least 164 participants have tested positive for Covid-19 before seeking FDA approval, but it plans to request emergency use authorization later in November.
Pfizer logo

SciAm: Coronavirus Vaccine Is 90 Percent Effective in Large Trial, Pfizer Says

  • “No serious safety concerns have arisen thus far.”
  • “The trial’s data have not yet been submitted for peer-review publication.”
  • The article contains an excellent flow chart describing the development process.

STAT: Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech is strongly effective, early data from large trial indicate

  • Experts had indicated earlier that vaccines might only end up being 60 or 70% effective.
  • Pfizer is waiting until the third week of November to file for emergency use authorization in order to have observed all participants for safety issues for at least two full months since their second dose.
  • “There is no information yet on whether the vaccine prevents severe cases, the type that can cause hospitalization and death.”
  • There’s also no information yet as to whether or not this vaccine can prevent people from carrying and spreading the virus.
  • Side effects, which include aches and fevers seem to be comparable to standard vaccines for adults.
  • Only 50 million doses could be available worldwide by year’s end, and 1.3 billion in 2021.
  • Vaccine must be stored at very low temperatures, making storage and shipments challenging.
BioNTech logo

Science: Champagne and questions greet first data showing that a COVID-19 vaccine works

  • Nothing is known yet about “how long the immunity triggered by the vaccine will last, whether it can prevent severe COVID-19, and even whether it will slow transmission rates if it’s used widely in a population. It’s unclear how well it works in the elderly, who suffer the most from SARS-CoV-2.”

nature: What Pfizer’s landmark COVID vaccine results mean for the pandemic

nature: COVID vaccination logistics: five steps to take now

nature: Scientists criticize use of unproven covid drugs in India

Science: How a communist physics teacher flattened the COVID-19 curve in southern India

November 8, 2020

Tomas Pueyo: Coronavirus: The Swiss Cheese Strategy

SciAm: The Denialist Playbook

November 6, 2020

Reuters: Common cold antibodies hold clues to COVID-19 behavior; lung scans speed COVID-19 diagnosis in stroke patients

November 5, 2020

NPR: Clots, Strokes And Rashes. Is COVID-19 A Disease Of The Blood Vessels?

STAT: The hidden public health hazard of rapid Covid-19 tests

CSM: As coronavirus surges anew, Vermont may show US a path forward

November 4, 2020

STAT: New research points to potential link between pollution levels and Covid-19 death risk

November 3, 2020

SciAm: Can My Blood Really Help COVID Patients?

Science: Will a small, long-shot U.S. company end up producing the best coronavirus vaccine?

  • Last year Novavax, a vaccine company in Gaithersburg, Maryland, was expected to go out of business, but it is now one of the seven promising companies that has received funding from Operation Warp Speed.
Novavax logo
November 2, 2020

Science: Europe is locking down a second time. But what is its long-term plan?

Continue with the timeline for October 2020.

©2020 Dr. Michael Herrera