Here are some good maps and trackers to access data and visualize how the virus is spreading world-wide. It is important to keep in mind that the number of cases depends not only on how many people are infected, but also on the number of people being tested, as some countries or areas do much more testing than others. You can find the sites you like best and bookmark them to be able to regularly track the pandemic.
World maps and trackers (cumulative cases, playback, …)
New York Times (rise/fall, charts with new cases, … )
NPR (cumulative cases & deaths, …)
Johns Hopkins (cases & deaths – local & regional for some countries, critical trends, …)
UW HGIS Lab (cases, active, deaths & recovered, …)
AccuWeather (cases, active, deaths & recovered, regional for some countries, …)
BBC: Coronavirus pandemic: Tracking the global outbreak
(deaths per 100K people, trends, …)
Financial Times
(overview graph of daily deaths, comparison to
historical death rate averages, response stringency index,
interactive charts …) (cases, new cases, deaths, new deaths with time chart, …)
Google (cases, current new cases, recovered, deaths, chart of new cases, …)
Worldometers (a very popular tracker)
STAT Covid-19 Tracker (includes a graph of new cases & new deaths
over time down to the county level in some areas) (includes critical count)
WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard
Tracking data
Statista: Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease pandemic- Statistics & Facts
Our World in Data (updated daily)
ECDC: Download current data (included hospitalized per 1 million people)
Corona status Europe
(moved or removed)
United States
CDC: Cases in the US
(moved or removed)
CNN: 411 – Coronavirus Resource (enter zip code for local information)
(moved or removed)
Trackers in other languages
Johns Hopkins: Testing
Johns Hopkins: How Does Testing in the U.S. Compare to Other Countries?
University of Minnesota Covid-19 Hospitalization Tracking
COVID-19 Reported Patient Impact and Hospital Capacity by State Timeseries (data)
Vaccine locators
VaccineFinder (US)
(moved or removed)
(as of February 27, 2020, data is not yet complete for many states)
(FAQ on VaccineFinder at CDC)
Public opinion
CIVIQS (US): Coronavirus: Government response
CIVIQS (US): Coronavirus: Local Government response
CIVIQS (US): Coronavirus: Outbreak concern
Other kinds of maps and trackers (US fever map)
(moved or removed)
STAT Covid-19 Drugs and Vaccines Tracker
Oxford: Coronavirus Government Response Tracker
Visual Capitalist: Global COVID-19 Containment: Confirmed Cases, Updated Daily
The Economist: Tracking Covid-19 excess deaths across countries
Risk Assessment
Covid-19 Event Risk Assessment (US)
Explanations of the numbers
Al Jazeera: Making sense of all the numbers
Rt Covid-19 (effective reproduction rate tracker for the US)
Nextstrain (genomic epidemiology)
European Mortality Monitoring Activity (EUROMOMO)
Eppi Center COVID-19: Living Map of Evidence (UK)
Office for National Statistics-Covid-19 (UK)