December 2020


Here are selected news stories relative to the Covid-19 pandemic (and directly or indirectly the science behind it) for the month of December 2020, starting with the most recent news. (Let me know if you hit a paywall or if you find scientific misinformation.)

Click on dark blue words or terms to see their meaning in the glossary.

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Back to January 1, 2021

December 31, 2020

STAT: As a doctor in the Covid-19 era, I’ve learned that judging patients’ decisions comes easier than it should

December 30, 2020

BBC: China Covid-19: Nearly 500,000 in Wuhan may have had virus, says study

Science: ‘It’s crazy.’ Upbeat COVID-19 vaccine news from China and U.K. leaves scientists wanting more details

December 29, 2020

STAT: Explanations for ‘long Covid’ remain elusive. For now, believing patients and treating symptoms is the best doctors can do

STAT: Frustration over vaccine rollout builds, as new variant reported in U.S. for first time

PopSci: Ending the pandemic means vaccinating the whole world—but the US is focusing on itself

PopSci: The ‘darkest days’ of COVID-19 are still to come

Science: A Kenyan health economist investigates the pandemic’s puzzling course in his country

December 28, 2020

SciAm: The Problem of ‘Long Haul’ COVID

Science: Novavax launches pivotal U.S. trial of dark horse COVID-19 vaccine after manufacturing delays

PopSci: Can you spread COVID-19 after vaccination? Here’s what we know.

December 24, 2020

SciAm: The U.K. Coronavirus Mutation Is Worrying but Not Terrifying

STAT: Charting the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, through STAT headlines

SciAm: What’s Your Risk of Catching COVID? These Tools Help You Find Out

December 23, 2020

Science: U.K. variant puts spotlight on immunocompromised patients’ role in the COVID-19 pandemic

STAT: Covid-19 vaccines are safe. But let’s be clear about what ‘safe’ means

CNN: Covid-19 is now on every continent as Antarctica records its first outbreak

December 22, 2020

STAT: What to expect when you’re injected: Vaccine side effects explained (VIDEO)

Science: Makers of successful COVID-19 vaccines wrestle with options for placebo recipients

STAT: Beware the danger of ‘vaccine euphoria’

December 21, 2020

STAT: A ‘duty to warn’: An ER doctor, shaped by war and hardship, chronicles the searing realities of Covid-19

STAT: The looming questions scientists need to answer about the new variant of the coronavirus

SciAm: Moderna COVID Vaccine Becomes Second to Get U.S. Authorization

Moderna logo

Science: Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions

STAT: 3 lessons from Stanford’s Covid-19 vaccine algorithm debacle

nature: An estimation of undetected COVID cases in France

December 20, 2020

Science: Mutant coronavirus in the United Kingdom sets off alarms, but its importance remains unclear

December 19, 2020

STAT: A side-by-side comparison of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines
Updated February 2, 2021

STAT: As the pandemic rages, demoralization deflates health care workers

December 18, 2020

Science: Neanderthal gene found in many people may open cells to coronavirus and increase COVID-19 severity

nature: Moderna COVID vaccine becomes second to get US authorization

Moderna logo

STAT: Emergency use authorization of Covid-19 vaccines could hinder global access to them

  • “While these moves could be welcomed by people living in the U.K. and U.S., the emergency authorizations will have serious consequences for lower-income countries, creating a ripple effect that could deny them access to Covid-19 vaccines for months to come.”

PopSci: Here’s where all the COVID-19 vaccine candidates currently stand

NPR: Chart: COVID-19 Is Now Leading Killer In 5 Latin American Nations

  • These nations are Peru, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Panama.
December 17, 2020

SciAm: How to Expand Access to COVID Vaccines without Compromising the Science

STAT: Did the FDA understaff its review of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine?

PopSci: What you should know about allergic reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine

December 16, 2020

Science: The coronavirus may sometimes slip its genetic material into human chromosomes—but what does that mean?

FDA: FAQ: COVID-19 and Ivermectin Intended for Animals

BBC: Covid-19: Germany introduces new restrictions amid rise in cases

December 15, 2020

nature: How COVID-19 is changing the cold and flu season

Science: COVID-19 is 10 times deadlier for people with Down syndrome, raising calls for early vaccination

STAT: Covid-19 is temporary. The health ramifications of failing to provide adequate economic relief may last decades

December 14, 2020

STAT: The coronavirus at 1: A year into the pandemic, what scientists know about how it spreads, infects, and sickens

SciAm: These Drugs Might Prevent Severe COVID

  • These are Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody combination, remdesivir, molnupiravir, fluvoxamine and mini binders (synthetic antibodies).

Shareable Science: Vaccine Q&A Part 1

nature: Why many countries failed at COVID contact-tracing — but some got it right

December 13, 2020

STAT: CDC says people with history of severe allergic reactions can get Covid-19 vaccine

December 12, 2020

Snopes: No, mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not ‘Alter Your DNA’

December 11, 2020

nature: US authorization of first COVID vaccine marks new phase in safety monitoring

  • “The FDA has issued an emergency use authorization for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine. Regulators are gearing up to look for side effects.”
  • “Researchers at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, are designing a system to monitor residents of long-term care homes.”

STAT: Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine: the debate, details, and distribution (AUDIO)

NPR: FDA Adviser: Vaccine To Be OK’d In Days, But ‘Normal’ May Not Return Until Next Fall

Science: Development of unique Australian COVID-19 vaccine halted

  • A structure taken from the HIV virus adds stability by being attached to the SARS-CoV-2 spike of the vaccine. Unfortunately, this structure was found to cause the immune system to produce HIV antibodies, which interfere with the proper functioning of HIV tests.

SciAm: What Science Has Learned about the Coronavirus One Year On

December 10, 2020

STAT: New cancer patients — especially Black people — are more susceptible to severe Covid-19 infections

nature: How kids’ immune systems can evade COVID

STAT: New data, dashboard provide information on Covid-19 hospital capacity

STAT: Engage ‘willing skeptics’ to help increase Covid-19 vaccination rates

December 9, 2020

Science: Great efficacy claimed for another COVID-19 vaccine, this one from China

Science: Mexico’s coronavirus czar faces criticism as COVID-19 surges

December 8, 2020

nature: COVID research updates: A coronavirus vaccine shows lasting benefit
Updated May 5, 2021

nature: Oxford COVID vaccine paper highlights lingering unknowns about results

AsapScience: What The COVID Vaccine Does To Your Body (the mRNA vaccine)

December 7, 2020

Science: ‘So many unknowns’: Local doctors—and pharmacies—will still decide who gets COVID-19 vaccines

Medical Dialogues: COVID-19: Antiviral drug Molnupiravir blocks virus transmission within 24 hours, claims Study

December 4, 2020

UC Berkeley: New CRISPR-based COVID-19 test uses smartphone cameras to spot virus RNA

CAS: Meet the mRNA vaccine rookies aiming to take down COVID-19

nature: COVID research updates: Smell tests could sniff out rising COVID case counts
Updated May 5, 2021

December 3, 2020

SciAm: Who Will Get COVID Vaccines First and Who Will Have to Wait?

nature: The UK has approved a COVID vaccine — here’s what scientists now want to know

Science: First-of-its-kind African trial tests common drugs to prevent severe COVID-19

NYT: Grim Day in U.S. as Covid-19 Deaths and Hospitalizations Set Records

December 2, 2020

nature: Could COVID delirium bring on dementia?

STAT: The Covid-19 vaccines are a marvel of science. Here’s how we can make the best use of them

December 1, 2020

STAT: How nanotechnology helps mRNA Covid-19 vaccines work

  • Lipid nanoparticles (“fatty” envelopes) carry the RNA nanoparticle to human cells.

Continue with the timeline for November 2020.

©2020 Dr. Michael Herrera