(and December 2019)
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Back to April 1, 2020
March 31, 2020
ABC News (Australia): Can Singapore’s coronavirus success last? (March 31, 2020):
Al Jazeera: Can the United States control its coronavirus outbreak? (March 31, 2020):
STAT: As coronavirus spreads, doctors in the ER warn ‘the worst of it has not hit us yet’
CNN: Dr. Anthony Fauci: This is a critical time … (Mar 31, 2020):
STAT: STAT’s guide to how hospitals are using AI to fight Covid-19
UN: UN launches COVID-19 plan that could ‘defeat the virus and build a better world’
- This includes social protections such as debt alleviation.
STAT: A radical approach to preventing Covid-19 infection in the homeless
Science: Can you put a price on COVID-19 options? Experts weigh lives versus economics
Science: Should pets be tested for coronavirus?
Science: 1.3 billion people. A 21-day lockdown. Can India curb the coronavirus?
Science: With record-setting speed, vaccinemakers take their first shots at the new coronavirus
Science: The $1 billion bet: Pharma giant and U.S. government team up in all-out coronavirus vaccine push
March 30, 2020
STAT: What explains Covid-19’s lethality for the elderly? Scientists look to ‘twilight’ of the immune system
- “Older people are not as good at reacting to microorganisms they haven’t encountered before,” said physician and immunobiologist Janko Nikolich-Zugich of the University of Arizona College of Medicine. He refers to it as “the twilight of immunity.”
STAT: Ventilators are in high demand for Covid-19 patients. How do they work? (VIDEO)
March 29, 2020
STAT: Two new road maps lay out possible paths to end coronavirus lockdowns
Science: Iran confronts coronavirus amid a ‘battle between science and conspiracy theories’
Science: Can China return to normalcy while keeping the coronavirus in check?
March 28, 2020
Science: Would everyone wearing face masks help us slow the pandemic?
Reuters: Italy coronavirus death toll surges past 10,000; lockdown extension likely

Nucleus Medical Media: COVID-19 Animation: What Happens If You Get Coronavirus?
STAT: Community health workers will be the main defense in rural Uganda against coronavirus

March 27, 2020
Alila Medical Media: Understanding the Virus that Causes COVID-19, Animation
TED: What the world can learn from China’s response… (March 27, 2020):
Science: How sick will the coronavirus make you? The answer may be in your genes
Science: New coronavirus leaves pregnant women with wrenching choices—but little data to guide them
Science: Not wearing masks to protect against coronavirus is a ‘big mistake,’ top Chinese scientist says
STAT: Our best defense against Covid-19? Science

March 26, 2020
STAT: What we’ve learned about the coronavirus — and what we still need to know
STAT: Covid-19’s resurgence in Hong Kong holds a lesson: Defeating it demands persistence (March 26, 2020)

STAT: ‘We’re racing against the clock’: Researchers test wearables as an early warning system for Covid-19
Science: How diseases rise and fall with the seasons—and what it could mean for coronavirus
STAT: New reports raise possibility pregnant women can pass coronavirus to fetus, but risk is unclear
Science: The new coronavirus is finally slamming Russia. Is the country ready?
March 25, 2020
IGI: Coronaviruses 101: Focus on Molecular Virology (VIDEO) (Advanced)
STAT: Hospitals turn to remote monitoring tools to free up beds for the sickest coronavirus patients
STAT: Vir Biotechnology reports early progress in antibody treatment for Covid-19
STAT: When can we let up? Health experts craft strategies to safely relax coronavirus lockdowns
Science: Meet the company that has just begun testing a coronavirus vaccine in the United States
March 24, 2020
smc: Expert reaction to questions about COVID-19 and viral load
CNN: Why soap, sanitizer and warm water work against Covid-19 and other viruses
STAT: Desperate for Covid-19 answers, U.S. doctors turn to colleagues in China
STAT: When might experimental drugs to treat Covid-19 be ready? A forecast
STAT: We need smart coronavirus testing, not just more testing
Science: Researchers are tracking another pandemic, too—of coronavirus misinformation
March 23, 2020
STAT: Covid-19 is reshaping the world of bioscience publishing
STAT: What Singapore can teach the U.S. about responding to Covid-19
STAT: Antibiotic resistance: the hidden threat lurking behind Covid-19
Science: Can a century-old TB vaccine steel the immune system against the new coronavirus?
Science: ‘It’s heartbreaking.’ Labs are euthanizing thousands of mice in response to coronavirus pandemic
March 22, 2020
STAT: Gilead pauses access to experimental Covid-19 drug due to ‘overwhelming demand’
Science: Cellphone tracking could help stem the spread of coronavirus. Is privacy the price?
Science: WHO launches global megatrial of the four most promising coronavirus treatments
March 21, 2020
STAT: I fought Ebola. Here’s my advice for health workers fighting Covid-19
STAT: We don’t send soldiers to fight a war without weapons. Give doctors what they need to fight Covid-19
Science: The physician whose 1964 vaccine beat back rubella is working to defeat the new coronavirus
- “Stanley Plotkin is consulting for multiple companies and says more than one vaccine may be needed in this new pandemic.”
STAT: A plea from doctors in Italy: To avoid Covid-19 disaster, treat more patients at home
(March 21, 2020)

March 20, 2020
STAT: Understanding what works: How some countries are beating back the coronavirus
STAT: ‘A lose-lose situation’: Assisted living residents may see lapses in care during pandemic
March 19, 2020
Gov.sg: How a breakthrough lab test and expert contact tracing solved the mystery behind one of the largest COVID-19 clusters
- The world can learn from the efforts Singapore takes to test and contract trace. Contract tracing is essentially detective work to learn exactly how the virus is spreading between individuals in a population.
STAT: An updated guide to the coronavirus drugs and vaccines in development
STAT: Drug makers are racing to develop immune therapies for Covid-19. Will they be ready in time?
STAT: Teva and Mylan to jumpstart production of old malaria drug to fight the novel coronavirus
Science: New blood tests for antibodies could show true scale of coronavirus pandemic
Science: Fetal tissue ban blocks study of potential coronavirus therapies
Physics World: COVID-19: How physics is helping the fight against the pandemic
STAT: Trump’s coronavirus pivot, life inside the ICU, drug development in a pandemic
Kurzgesagt – in a nutshell: The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do
(March 19, 2020)
- An excellent video that explains the Covid-19 pandemic in some detail.
- Note that scientists are not certain about how many Covid-19 patients have the immune system directly attacked in the very way that is explained in this video. It seems to happen in the most serious cases.
March 18, 2020
STAT: We know enough now to act decisively against Covid-19. Social distancing is a good place to start
STAT: The economic rationale for strong action now against Covid-19
STAT: New analysis breaks down age-group risk for coronavirus — and shows millennials are not invincible
STAT: WHO to launch multinational trial to jumpstart search for coronavirus drugs
Science: Respirators, quarantines, and worst-case scenarios: Lab animal facilities grapple with the pandemic
March 17, 2020
CNN: US, UK coronavirus strategies shifted following UK epidemiologists’ ominous report
- There are still so many uncertainties. The eventual number of deaths predicted through models can vary widely based on assumptions made on still unknown properties of the virus, but this report was meant to show how necessary flattening the curve through social distancing is for both the US and the UK. The UK had originally decided not to impose social distancing measures, but then later reversed their decision to take the measures. The number of deaths in April will likely give evidence of the cost in lives of this delay.
STAT: Surge in patients overwhelms telehealth services amid coronavirus pandemic
NYT: Why Telling People They Don’t Need Masks Backfired (Opinion)
Science: Coronavirus cases have dropped sharply in South Korea. What’s the secret to its success?
March 16, 2020
Boston Globe: Here’s what we know about how the coronavirus spreads
STAT: As the coronavirus spreads, a drug that once raised the world’s hopes is given a second shot
STAT: The new coronavirus can likely remain airborne for some time. That doesn’t mean we’re doomed
STAT: Coronavirus model shows individual hospitals what to expect in the coming weeks
WhiteHouse.gov: Call to Action to the Tech Community on New Machine Readable COVID-19 Dataset
- “The CORD-19 resource is available on the Allen Institute’s SemanticScholar.org website and will continue to be updated as new research is published in archival services and peer-reviewed publications. Researchers should submit the text and data mining tools and insights they develop in response to this call to action via the Kaggle platform. Through Kaggle, a machine learning and data science community owned by Google Cloud, these tools will be openly available for researchers around the world.”
STAT: In strictest U.S. coronavirus response so far, six Bay Area counties order ‘shelter in place’
- “The six counties affected by the order — Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara — have confirmed 258 coronavirus cases, as well as three deaths.”
- “The order allows residents to leave their homes for limited purposes, such as to go to the grocery store or the pharmacy, or to go for a solitary walk or run. It also allows people to leave their homes to care for a family member or a vulnerable person in another household. People who live outside the affected counties will also be able to leave to return to their homes.”
- “People will also be allowed to travel if they work for ‘essential businesses’.”
STAT: Lower death rate estimates for coronavirus, especially for non-elderly, provide glimmer of hope
- The new estimate of 1.4% is “significantly below earlier estimates of 2% or 3% and well below the death rate for China based on simply dividing deaths by cases, which yields almost 4%. While it is still higher than the average 0.1% death rate from seasonal flu, it raises hopes that the worst consequence of the coronavirus will be uncommon.”
Science: Social distancing prevents infections, but it can have unintended consequences
Science: Disease experts call for nationwide closure of U.S. schools and businesses to slow coronavirus
March 15, 2020
Science: ‘A ticking time bomb’: Scientists worry about coronavirus spread in Africa
March 14, 2020
BBC: Coronavirus: What it does to the body
STAT: Thermo Fisher to produce millions of coronavirus diagnostic tests
Science: Meet Anthony Fauci, the epidemic expert trying to shape the White House’s coronavirus response
March 13, 2020
STAT: A new paper about a Gilead drug to combat coronavirus has some analysts skittish about success
- Gilead developed remdesivir to treat the Ebola virus, but tests ended up showing it was less effective than other drugs.
STAT: President Trump just declared the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency. Here’s what that means
STAT: Coronavirus testing is starting to get better — but it has a long way to go
Science: Did an experimental drug help a U.S. coronavirus patient?
- “Several randomized, placebo controlled trials of remdesivir for COV-19 are now underway in China and the United States and everyone is looking for quick hints on whether the drug works”
Science: Why do dozens of diseases wax and wane with the seasons—and will COVID-19?
March 12, 2020
STAT: Q&A: How to care for the elderly without putting them at risk of coronavirus
STAT: Covid-19 will be the ultimate stress test for electronic health record systems
Science: Quarantine the cat? Disinfect the dog? The latest advice about the coronavirus and your pets
Science: Does disinfecting surfaces really prevent the spread of coronavirus?
March 11, 2020
STAT: WHO declares the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic
STAT: NIH official suggests large gatherings should be canceled due to coronavirus outbreak
STAT: Why ‘flattening the curve’ may be the world’s best bet to slow the coronavirus
STAT: CDC developing serologic tests that could reveal full scope of U.S. coronavirus outbreak
STAT: Researchers rush to test coronavirus vaccine in people without knowing how well it works in animals
STAT: Trump suspends travel from Europe for 30 days in response to coronavirus outbreak
Science: ‘We’re behind the curve’: U.S. hospitals confront the challenges of large-scale coronavirus testing
March 10, 2020
Tomas Pueyo: Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now
STAT: If Covid-19 gets bad, triage will be needed. Are we ready for that?
STAT: U.S. communities are braced for coronavirus outbreaks. Seattle is already in the thick of it
STAT: Shortage of crucial chemicals creates new obstacle to U.S. coronavirus testing
Science: Does closing schools slow the spread of coronavirus? Past outbreaks provide clues
Boston Globe: How the Biogen leadership conference in Boston spread the coronavirus (PAYWALL)
March 9, 2020
STAT: To develop a coronavirus vaccine, synthetic biologists try to outdo nature
STAT: How touching your face can spread viruses — and why you’re so bad at avoiding it
STAT: Coronavirus spread could last into next year, but impact could be blunted, CDC official says
Science: Mutations can reveal how the coronavirus moves—but they’re easy to overinterpret
March 7, 2020
STAT: At Harvard forum, three who know warn of ‘most daunting virus’ in half a century
March 6, 2020
STAT: We’re learning a lot about the coronavirus. It will help us assess risk
STAT: Susan Desmond-Hellmann: The coronavirus is alarming. Here’s why you should not panic
Science: Why airport screening won’t stop the spread of coronavirus
Science: Quarantined at home now, U.S. scientist describes his visit to China’s hot zone
Science: Coronavirus disruptions could hurt North Korea’s efforts to treat tuberculosis
March 5, 2020
STAT: Flu has a season, but will Covid-19 melt away with the spring? It’s not so simple
STAT: From ferrets to mice and marmosets, labs scramble to find right animals for coronavirus studies
STAT: How blood plasma from recovered patients could help treat the new coronavirus
STAT: Pharma’s response to coronavirus, Google’s appetite for health data, and biotech’s rise in China (AUDIO)
Science: With $115 million, more than 80 Boston researchers will collaborate to tackle COVID-19
March 4, 2020
STAT: How innovation is helping mitigate the coronavirus threat
March 3, 2020
STAT: Who is getting sick, and how sick? A breakdown of coronavirus risk by demographic factors
STAT: WHO: Coronavirus is different from influenza, and that means it can be contained
Science: Indonesia finally reports two coronavirus cases. Scientists worry it has many more
March 2, 2020
STAT: Research in the time of coronavirus: keep it ethical
STAT: The coronavirus exposes our health care system’s weaknesses. We can be stronger
Science: China’s aggressive measures have slowed the coronavirus. They may not work in other countries
March 1, 2020
February 29, 2020
STAT: Person in Washington state first in U.S. to die from new coronavirus
STAT: Trump administration expands coronavirus travel ban to include Iran
STAT: First Covid-19 outbreak in a U.S. nursing home raises concerns
Science: In bid to rapidly expand coronavirus testing, U.S. agency abruptly changes rules
February 28, 2020
STAT: Telehealth can help fight the novel coronavirus, but U.S. challenges could limit its potential
STAT: Quarantine for coronavirus? Let’s make that unnecessary
STAT: The coronavirus ‘infodemic’ is real. We rated the websites responsible for it
STAT: Four new coronavirus cases in Pacific Northwest suggest community spread of the disease
Science: The United States badly bungled coronavirus testing—but things may soon improve
February 27, 2020
STAT: A critical question in getting a handle on coronavirus: What role do kids play in spreading it?
STAT: A single coronavirus case exposes a bigger problem: The scope of undetected U.S. spread is unknown
STAT: Azar has a ‘tin ear’ when it comes to pricing a potential coronavirus treatment
Science: Singapore claims first use of antibody test to track coronavirus infections
February 26, 2020
STAT: Coronavirus vaccines are far off, FDA official says, but drugs to treat patients could come sooner
February 25, 2020
STAT: Coronavirus cases among health workers climb, underscoring the chaos on an outbreak’s front lines
STAT: In the race for coronavirus vaccines, don’t leave pregnant women behind
STAT: CDC expects ‘community spread’ of coronavirus, as top official warns disruptions could be ‘severe’
STAT: New data from China buttress fears about high coronavirus fatality rate, WHO expert says
Science: Coronavirus infections keep mounting after cruise ship fiasco in Japan
Science: The coronavirus seems unstoppable. What should the world do now?
February 24, 2020
STAT: A Chinese biotech partners with GSK to boost its coronavirus vaccine development
STAT: WHO tells countries to prepare for coronavirus pandemic, but insists it’s too soon to make that call
February 21, 2020
STAT: Once widely criticized, the Wuhan quarantine bought the world time to prepare for Covid-19
STAT: The coronavirus is picking up steam outside China, narrowing chances of eliminating it
February 20, 2020
STAT: Experts say confusion over coronavirus case count in China is muddying picture of spread
Science: First deaths of cruise ship passengers fuel debate over Japan’s handling of quarantine
February 19, 2020
STAT: How many? The coronavirus is prompting a burst of clinical trials in search of a treatment
Science: Scientists ‘strongly condemn’ rumors and conspiracy theories about origin of coronavirus outbreak
February 18, 2020
STAT: Sanofi announces it will work with HHS to develop coronavirus vaccine
February 17, 2020
STAT: The global responders: Who is leading the charge against the coronavirus outbreak
Science: ‘The disruption is enormous.’ Coronavirus epidemic snarls science worldwide
February 14, 2020
STAT: Disease modelers gaze into their computers to see the future of Covid-19, and it isn’t good
February 13, 2020
STAT: Watch: Why reports about coronavirus death rates can be misleading
February 12, 2020
STAT: Understanding pandemics: What they mean, don’t mean, and what comes next with the coronavirus
February 11, 2020
STAT: U.S. biotechs fear the coronavirus outbreak will delay their China-based research
STAT: Hospitals, governments need more data to prepare for the new coronavirus outbreak
STAT: Disease caused by the novel coronavirus officially has a name: Covid-19
Science: Labs scramble to spot hidden coronavirus infections
February 10, 2020
STAT: Fluctuating funding and flagging interest hurt coronavirus research, leaving crucial knowledge gaps
February 8, 2020
STAT: ‘We’re definitely not prepared’: Africa braces for new coronavirus
STAT: WHO cautions that transmission of the new coronavirus outside of China could increase
February 7, 2020
Science: Scientists are racing to model the next moves of a coronavirus that’s still hard to predict
STAT: Coronavirus concerns trigger global run on supplies for health workers, causing shortages
February 6, 2020
STAT: In effort to develop coronavirus vaccine, outbreak expert sees ‘hardest problem’ of his career
NatGeo: ‘I can’t wait to hold my kids again’: Life inside Wuhan’s quarantine
February 5, 2020
STAT: In the race to develop a coronavirus treatment, Regeneron thinks it has the inside track
Science: ‘This beast is moving very fast.’ Will the new coronavirus be contained—or go pandemic?
STAT: Chatbots are screening for the new coronavirus — and turning up cases of the flu
STAT: Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV exposes a flaw in the Nagoya Protocol
February 4, 2020
UCSF: How coronaviruses get into cells (YouTube VIDEO)
- From 4:00 you can see interesting 3D images of the “Wuhan” coronavirus spike (and that of other coronaviruses) and get an explanation of how the spike binds to an ACE2 receptor.
STAT: Experts envision two scenarios if the new coronavirus isn’t contained
- Just another coronavirus
- 2019-nCoV returns repeatedly like a bad seasonal flu
February 3, 2020
Science: Study claiming new coronavirus can be transmitted by people without symptoms was flawed
STAT: Quick retraction of a faulty coronavirus paper was a good moment for science
February 2, 2020
BBC: Coronavirus: First death outside China reported in Philippines

NYT: Wuhan Coronavirus Looks Increasingly Like a Pandemic, Experts Say
February 1, 2020
STAT: Top WHO official says it’s not too late to stop the new coronavirus outbreak
January 31, 2020
STAT: U.S. to quarantine all American citizens evacuated from Wuhan, as CDC raises pandemic possibility
STAT: Preprints can fill a void in times of rapidly changing science
STAT: Health experts warn China travel ban will hinder coronavirus response
STAT: U.S. declares public health emergency over coronavirus, bans travel from China by foreign nationals
Science: Mining coronavirus genomes for clues to the outbreak’s origins
WHO: Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) (January 31, 2020)
Updated up to March 18, 2023
- This is a video from the WHO on how to protect yourself and others against Covid-19.
January 30, 2020
STAT: WHO declares coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency
Science: Outbreak of virus from China declared global emergency
STAT: Limited data may be skewing assumptions about severity of coronavirus outbreak, experts say
STAT: How do coronaviruses spread? (VIDEO)
STAT: Archived chat: the new coronavirus and the global response
- “The archived chat is available for download here.”
STAT: CDC confirms first known case of person-to-person spread of new coronavirus in U.S.
- “The United States is at least the fourth country to report person-to-person spread outside of China, with Vietnam, Germany, and Japan also reporting local transmission.”
- “The initial patient in Illinois was a Chicago woman in her 60s who had recently returned from Wuhan, China.”
STAT: Study documents first case of coronavirus spread by a person showing no symptoms
January 29, 2020
STAT: In coronavirus response, AI is becoming a useful tool in a global outbreak, data experts say
STAT: WHO praises China’s response to coronavirus, will reconvene expert committee to assess global threat
January 28, 2020
STAT: The coronavirus questions that scientists are racing to answer
STAT: Federal officials tell China: Let U.S. health workers enter to help respond to coronavirus
Science: Scientists are moving at record speed to create new coronavirus vaccines—but they may come too late
January 27, 2020
Science: Can an anti-HIV combination or other existing drugs outwit the new coronavirus?
January 26, 2020
Science: Wuhan seafood market may not be source of novel virus spreading globally
January 24, 2020
STAT: CDC reports second U.S. case of novel virus spreading in China
- “As of Friday, there were more than 830 cases of the coronavirus infection in China, with 25 deaths, and a handful of cases in places — including Thailand, Japan, South Korea, and the United States — that were in people who traveled to those countries from China.”
STAT: DNA sleuths read the coronavirus genome, tracing its origins and looking for dangerous mutations
January 23, 2020
Virus is now named 2019-nCoV
STAT: It’s been sequenced. It’s spread across borders. Now the new pneumonia-causing virus needs a name
- “The pneumonia-causing virus, which is spreading rapidly in China and beyond, is currently being identified as 2019-nCoV.”
STAT: WHO declines to declare China virus outbreak a global health emergency
Science: WHO says no need—yet—to declare spread of novel virus is an international emergency
STAT: Four ‘generations’ of spread seen with virus in China, alarming experts
January 22, 2020
STAT: The basics: What we knew — and don’t know — about the virus spreading in China and beyond
- “A number of patients have been treated at hospitals and released within a few days. For others, the complications have been much more severe. As of Wednesday, 17 people with the infection in China had died.”
STAT: Former CDC director Tom Frieden on 3 key questions about the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China
- “How deadly is this newly identified coronavirus? This is called the case fatality rate, which is determined by the proportion of people with the infection who die from it. The answer so far is that it looks more serious than the common cold but less serious than SARS.”
Science: WHO panel puts off decision on whether to sound alarm on rapid spread of new virus
STAT: WHO postpones decision on whether to declare China outbreak a global public health emergency
- “Authorities said they planned to implement a travel lockdown in Wuhan, the city of 11 million people where the outbreak is believed to have started. Starting at 10 a.m. local time Thursday, public transit service is going to be suspended, and flights and trains from the city are going to be canceled.”
January 21, 2020
STAT: WHO raises possibility of ‘sustained’ human-to-human transmission of new virus in China
- “The suggestion that sustained transmission may be happening will ratchet up already high concerns about the new virus, which is provisionally called 2019-nCoV. The virus is a coronavirus, from the same family as the viruses that caused SARS and MERS. While the source of the new virus is not yet known, Chinese authorities have said they believe it was transmitted to people from some type of wild game animal.”
Science: Arrival of new SARS-like virus in U.S. heightens concerns about global spread
STAT: CDC details first U.S. case of novel virus spreading in China
- “A man in Washington state [in his 30s] has been diagnosed with a novel infection racing through China.”
January 20, 2020
BBC: New China virus: Cases triple as infection spreads to Beijing and Shanghai
STAT: WHO calls for emergency meeting on new virus in China, as cases spread to health care workers
- “Cases have also been exported to three Asian countries. Thailand has reported two cases in tourists from China, and South Korea has confirmed one in a Chinese tourist as well. Japan reported a case in a Japanese traveler who had been to Wuhan, where the outbreak is believed to have started.”
Science: China reports more than 200 infections with new coronavirus from Wuhan
January 19, 2020
- “On Sunday, authorities in Shenzhen, a city in Guangdong province, confirmed a case, a 66-year-old man who had visited Wuhan on Dec. 29 and became ill on Jan. 3. That discovery came after Thailand reported two cases and Japan diagnosed one — all in tourists or nationals who had come from or visited Wuhan.”
January 17, 2020
STAT: U.S. to begin health screenings at three airports for cases of novel Chinese virus
January 16, 2020
STAT: Novel virus tied to Chinese outbreak found in Japan, as second death is reported
- “So far, health authorities have not concluded that the virus can be spread among people.”
January 15, 2020
STAT: Chinese health officials can’t rule out person-to-person spread of new virus
- “A 61-year-old man with severe underlying conditions died from the coronavirus on Saturday.”
- “The husband, who fell ill first, worked at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. Meanwhile, the wife said she hasn’t had any exposure to the market.”
January 14, 2020
Science: World on alert for potential spread of new SARS-like virus found in China
BBC: Wuhan pneumonia outbreak: First case reported outside China
- “A tourist in Thailand has become the first person outside China diagnosed with a new, pneumonia-like virus that has already infected dozens of people.”
- “The woman was quarantined after landing in Bangkok from Wuhan, eastern China, where the outbreak began in December.”
January 13, 2020
“Mystery virus” spreads to Thailand
Straits Times: Thailand confirms first case of mystery virus from Wuhan, Chinese woman quarantined
Updated January 14, 2020
January 11, 2020
VOA: China’s Mysterious Virus Claims First Victim
Science: Chinese researchers reveal draft genome of virus implicated in Wuhan pneumonia outbreak
- “The analyzing began immediately. Evolutionary biologist Andrew Rambaut at the University of Edinburgh calculated that the virus has a 89% similarity to a severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-related member of the Sarbecoviruses, a subgenus within the Betacoronavirus genus.”
- “Potentially really important moment in global public health – must be celebrated.”
– Jeremy Farrar, Wellcome Trust
January 10, 2020
Science: Mystery virus found in Wuhan resembles bat viruses but not SARS, Chinese scientist says
January 9, 2020
Science: Scientists urge China to quickly share data on virus linked to pneumonia outbreak
STAT: Chinese scientists obtain genetic sequence of mysterious virus, a key step in containment efforts
SciAm: WHO Says Mysterious Illness in China Likely Being Caused by New Virus
January 8, 2020
China identifies new virus
nature: New virus identified as likely cause of mystery illness in China
- “The municipal health commission says that it is trying to isolate the virus from patients to identify the pathogen and its potential source. Many of the people who have become ill work in a seafood and live animal market in Wuhan, which was shut down on 1 January.”
STAT: WHO says mysterious illness in China likely being caused by new virus
- “The number of cases reported makes it seem unlikely that animal-to-human transmission is the only way this virus spread.”
NYT: China Identifies New Virus Causing Pneumonialike Illness
PopSci: A mysterious virus is sickening people in China
January 7, 2020
CNN: A mysterious virus is making China (and the rest of Asia) nervous. It’s not SARS, so what is it?
NYT: Chinese Doctor, Silenced After Warning of Outbreak, Dies From Coronavirus
NewScientist: Doctors scramble to identify mysterious illness emerging in China
January 5, 2020
WHO: Pneumonia of unknown cause – China – WHO
- “On 31 December 2019, the WHO China Country Office was informed of cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology (unknown cause) detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China.”
STAT: Cause of Wuhan’s mysterious pneumonia cases still unknown, Chinese officials say
BBC: China pneumonia: Sars ruled out as dozens fall ill in Wuhan
January 4, 2020
Straits Times: Wuhan pneumonia: First suspected case reported in Singapore
STAT: Experts search for answers in limited information about mystery pneumonia outbreak in China
January 3, 2020
Science: Novel human virus? Pneumonia cases linked to seafood market in China stir concern
- “Hints of trouble first surfaced publicly on 30 December, when a directive from the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission asking hospitals to report unusual cases of pneumonia was reported by local media. The next day, the commission posted a notice in Chinese on its website stating that a number of local hospitals had reported cases of pneumonia linked to the wholesale Huanan Seafood Market.”
CIDRAP: Cases spike in Wuhan mystery pneumonia cluster
Forbes: Mystery Pneumonia, Respiratory Illness, Has Afflicted 44 People In Wuhan, China
Bioethics.com: China Pneumonia Outbreak: Mystery Virus Probed in Wuhan
- “The outbreak has prompted Singapore and Hong Kong to bring in screening processes for travellers from the city.”
Nikkei: Asia on alert over mysterious virus outbreak in China
- “The outbreak prompted authorities in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia to take emergency measures, including stricter health control at borders and temperature screenings on all flights from Wuhan.”
Straits Times: Wuhan pneumonia outbreak spurs fever checks in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan
CBS: Mystery pneumonia outbreak in China sparks fear of deadly SARS virus
- “Authorities are investigating an outbreak of viral pneumonia in central China amid online speculation that it might be linked to SARS, the flu-like virus that killed hundreds of people more than a decade ago.”
- “There were 27 cases of “viral pneumonia of unknown origin” reported in Wuhan, in central Hubei province, the city’s health commission said in a statement.”
January 1, 2020
SCMP: Wuhan virus: Hong Kong monitoring Sars-like mystery flu outbreak in Wuhan
- “Travellers returning to Hong Kong with respiratory illnesses will have their travel history reviewed.”
SCMP: World Health Organisation in touch with Beijing after mystery viral pneumonia outbreak
December 31, 2019
China notifies WHO of SARS-like pneumonia in Wuhan
CIDRAP: News Scan for Dec 31, 2019
- “Health officials in China are investigating the cause of a pneumonia outbreak in the city of Wuhan in Hubei province that has sickened 27 people and seems to be linked to a seafood market.”
- “News of the outbreak triggered rumors of possible severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).”
SCMP: Hong Kong takes emergency measures as mystery ‘pneumonia’ infects dozens in China’s Wuhan city
Straits Times: China probes pneumonia outbreak for Sars links: State media
- “China is investigating an outbreak of atypical pneumonia that is suspected of being linked to Sars.”
- According to a Chinese newspaper, “of the 27 cases, seven were critical, the rest were under control, and two patients are expected to be discharged from hospital in near future.”
Caixin: Outbreak of Mysterious Lung Disease Sparks SARS Rumors
Return to the latest news on the timeline
Relevant news from before the Covid-19 outbreak
Search for past websites warning about preparing ourselves for the next pandemic.
April 3, 2015
“The next outbreak? We’re not ready” by Bill Gates
- Bill Gates was not the only person who knew that we weren’t prepared for a pandemic. Many scientists have spoken out about this for a long time.