Here are selected news stories relative to the Covid-19 pandemic (and directly or indirectly the science behind it) for the month of October 2020, starting with the most recent news. (Let me know if you hit a paywall or if you find scientific misinformation.)
Click on dark blue words or terms to see their meaning in the glossary.
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Back to November 2, 2020
October 30, 2020
Science: Gyms. Bars. The White House. See how superspreading events are driving the pandemic
October 29, 2020
Science: India’s COVID-19 cases have declined rapidly—but herd immunity is still far away, scientists say
NYT: Death Rates Have Dropped for Seriously Ill Covid Patients
STAT: Antibody drugs seem to work. But the virus is moving faster than we can make them
nature: Why schools probably aren’t COVID hotspots
October 28, 2020
October 27, 2020
SciAm: A Flu Shot Might Reduce Coronavirus Infections, Early Research Suggests
October 26, 2020
nature: Neanderthal DNA highlights complexity of COVID risk factors
STAT: mRNA vaccines face their first test in the fight against Covid-19. How do they work?
CR: Guide to Going Out Safely During the Pandemic
PopSci: Rural America is now the center of the COVID pandemic
October 23, 2020
SN: The arthritis drug tocilizumab doesn’t appear to help fight COVID-19
- Recent randomized controlled trials on tocilizumab, which blocks interleukin-6 (a cytokine), provide evidence that it is not significantly better than a placebo in reducing Covid-19 deaths. It has been believed, mostly from anecdotal evidence, that this drug was effective by reducing the runaway immune reaction referred to as a “cytokine storm“.
nature: The race to make COVID antibody therapies cheaper and more potent
Science: ‘There’s only one chance to do this right’—FDA panel wrestles with COVID-19 vaccine issues
nature: Why COVID outbreaks look set to worsen this winter
PopSci: The current state of the pandemic in five graphs
STAT: Science journal editors shouldn’t contribute to politicizing science
October 22, 2020
SciAm: What We Know So Far about How COVID Affects the Nervous System
- “Some studies show evidence that SARS-CoV-2 can get into nerve cells and the brain. The question remains as to whether it does so routinely or only in the most severe cases.”
AP: FDA approves first COVID-19 drug: antiviral remdesivir
FDA: FDA Approves First Treatment for COVID-19
October 21, 2020
BBC: Long Covid: Who is more likely to get it?
Atlantic: The Tree That Could Help Stop the Pandemic
- The Chilean soapbark tree provides molecules for producing adjuvants that may increase the effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines.
nature: Why decoding the immune response to COVID matters for vaccines
MIT: Engineers design a heated face mask to filter and inactivate coronaviruses
STAT: Covid-19’s wintry mix: As we move indoors, dry air will help the coronavirus spread
October 20, 2020
nature: Latin America’s embrace of an unproven COVID treatment is hindering drug trials
- This is the anti-parasite ivermectin.
nature: Dozens to be deliberately infected with coronavirus in UK ‘human challenge’ trials
PopSci: Meet the disease detectives fighting to understand COVID-19
SciAm: Debunking the False Claim That COVID Death Counts Are Inflated
BBC: Coronavirus: German Alpine region goes into lockdown
DW: Germany’s neighbors react to second coronavirus wave
- Austria blocks entry and exit from the town of Kuchl until November 1.
October 19, 2020
SciAm: America’s Last Line of Defense for a Safe Vaccine
NPR: South Korea Eases Coronavirus Restrictions, Touts ‘Exceptional’ Success
October 16, 2020
Science: Remdesivir and interferon fall flat in WHO’s megastudy of COVID-19 treatments
The Atlantic: Inside the Mind of an Anti-vaxxer
October 14, 2020
NatGeo: Invasion and Response
- A graphic guide to how SARS-CoV-2 enters and attacks the human body.
October 13, 2020
NatGeo: A World Gone Viral
October 12, 2020
STAT: Watch: Understanding dexamethasone, the steroid used to treat Trump’s Covid-19
SciAm: Lab-Made ‘Miniproteins’ Could Block the Coronavirus from Infecting Cells
SciAm: Why So Many Americans Are Skeptical of a Coronavirus Vaccine
SciAm: Eight Persistent COVID-19 Myths and Why People Believe Them
October 11, 2020
SciAm: COVID Misinformation Is Killing People
October 10, 2020
SciAm: Neanderthal DNA May Be COVID Risk
October 9, 2020
- An excellent article that illustrates the virus atom by atom and explains what we know about its structure.
nature: What China’s speedy COVID vaccine deployment means for the pandemic
STAT: 7 looming questions about the rollout of a Covid-19 vaccine
October 8, 2020
SciAm: COVID-19 Is Now the Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
Zeit: “It’s Up To Us”
- A leading German virologist gives advice for how to make it through the coming winter.
Science: Researchers face hurdles to evaluate, synthesize COVID-19 evidence at top speed
Science: New test detects coronavirus in just 5 minutes
YouTube: How The Coronavirus Has Spread Across The U.S. (Time-Lapse)
October 7, 2020
SWI: Swiss researchers create artificial lung to study Covid-19 blood clots
STAT: Eli Lilly says its monoclonal antibody cocktail is effective in treating Covid-19
October 6, 2020
STAT: Is ‘it can’t hurt’ the rationale for giving Trump unproven Covid-19 treatments?
MIT: 3 Questions: Why getting ahead of Covid-19 requires modeling more than a health crisis
nature: Face masks: what the data say
nature: COVID-19 vaccines: how to ensure Africa has access
Science: ‘It’s been so, so surreal.’ Critics of Sweden’s lax pandemic policies face fierce backlash
October 5, 2020
Science: Update: Here’s what is known about Trump’s COVID-19 treatment
PopSci: These are the best COVID-19 treatments right now
nature: COVID research updates: Massive contact-tracing effort in India reveals striking trends
Updated May 5, 2021
October 3, 2020
STAT: A one-page memo could defuse the panic about Trump’s Covid-19. Where is it?
October 2, 2020
BI: A day-by-day breakdown of coronavirus symptoms shows how COVID-19 goes from bad to worse
Updated November 26, 2020
STAT: President Trump has tested positive for coronavirus
October 1, 2020
SciAm: Protecting against COVID’s Aerosol Threat
The Lancet: The online anti-vaccine movement in the age of COVID-19
Continue with the timeline for September 2020.
©2020 Dr. Michael Herrera